20 November 2010

Picture Post - Before and During

I often think that looking at your pictures and seeing how you have changed can be one of the most motivational tools.
When I went through a period when I struggled with SW I felt that it took a lot of effort to get me back into the swing of things.
Luckily, I had taken some photos the first night I had weighed in at Slimming World and I could compare them with recent photos and I can really see the difference!
I have included some below just to show you that it is achievable - and also to remind me to keep on trying!!
The picture that made me realise I needed to lose some weight!
This was the night of my first weigh in at Slimming World

The next few photos are the new and improved recipe...

Weekend away (Oct)
Race for Life in July

The one in the centre was at a family wedding, wearing a dress I haven't been able to fit into for years!!
Still a way to go yet - but these motivate me to want to get further!!

Do photos help you in your weight loss? 


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