25 November 2010

No Shame in a Gain or Maintain

Weigh in didn't go so well last night - I came away with a 2 pound gain, rendering my goal of 3 stone by the 1st of December pretty much unreachable.
I have had many maintains and a few gains on my journey. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have a few of these on the way and keep it off for the long term rather than lose all the weight I want to lose really quickly and then just eat one loaf of bread and watch the whole load fly back to my belly and hips.
When I have had a gain it often puts me in a negative mindset for the next week. I tell myself silly things like 'well if I try really hard and I only lose the weight that I put on is it really even worth it?' or 'well now I've blown it I may as well just carry on and blow it completely for the whole bloody week!'. 
Obviously this is not how gains should be dealt with, so I asked for extra help last night and my consultant gave me an S.A.S Log.
S.A.S stands for Slimmers Against Sabotage and I think it links your eating and your emotions, and how you go about choosing things to eat throughout the day.
You fill it in similarly to a Food Diary (which I recommend keeping when you start on your weight loss plan, but they key is that you must be honest - there is no point in cheating yourself) but you have to fill in some check boxes for each food you eat - varying between whether you have measured the item (if it's a syn/Healthy Extra) or whether you wrote it down when you ate it or you waited until later.
Day one is almost down and I'm not sure of the effect the S.A.S log has had - I will make an update after one week of logging (which I will be doing daily).
There are a few challenges this week - I have 3 meals out in the not so distant future. For two there will be options to chose from a menu. But I do face the challenge of one of the family Christmas get togethers on Sunday. A three course set meal. With a Slimming World un-friendly main of Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. I can't fool myself and pretend like I won't eat the ball of stuffing or drown the food with gravy. I will eat veg - probably quite a lot of veg, but the likelihood of them being cooked in Fry Light? Minimal.

These are issues that have to be tackled, because that is life, and life goes on whether you are on a 'healthy life plan' or not.

Hopefully I will be good enough for the rest of the week and do enough exercise to balance it all out... keep your fingers crossed that I lose my little gain - but please the message here folks... Have no shame!

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