22 November 2010

Wednesday Weigh In

For anyone that hasn't been to a Slimming World class before, but tries to follow the plan at home - I urge you to go.
I have been to the same class since the very start of my Slimming World journey and remember feeling terrified when I first walked in. Now I am a confident person, and I am always happy to socialise, but I still remember feeling like everyone would judge me and that my weight would be revealed to the whole group when I walked through that door.
I couldn't have been more wrong. Although there were only 3 people in the class that first night I still felt welcomed with open arms. 
I have seen 5 consultants take over one from another in the time I have been in that group - some better than others, but they all come with the same consistent message - 'You can do it!'
If you can stay to Image Therapy (the group talk after the initial weigh in) as well it gives you a chance to get to know a few faces and share your experiences. I think only a handful of times I have missed an Image Therapy session - I have trawled through the snow and I have even gone to the weigh in between Christmas and New Year!
It's worth it - I promise. The consultants are there to motivate you, and to help you when you need it. If you have one bad experience with a consultant you perhaps don't like I can tell you that it won't apply across the board. They are lovely, helpful ladies (and men) that want you to achieve exactly what they have, so they can feel proud of you as you are of yourself.

How do you feel about 'weighing-in' at class?

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